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Stubbo 9:27 Wed Dec 20
Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
For me, we should look to shift:

Ayew - 10m+ | a shit version of Hernandez

Hernandez - 10m+ | too lightweight and a luxury poacher for a club in our position. Our strikers need a better all around game.

Carroll - 5m+ | offers nothing like value

Kouyate - 18m+ | we need to improve ball retention in the middle of the park and this headless chicken will not do that, plus hes saleable and has fallen well below his peak

Add that to a war chest of 30m (reportedly) gets three huge earners off the books who thus far are ineffective, and gives us 75m to play with.

Given we're setting up for 3-5-2, and we have shown Arnautovic and Antonio to be effective forwards in that system, we can make Sakho a fair contract offer and the chance to be first choice striker (which really is all he seems to want and why is constantly pissed off...earning parity and to be selected).

We then need a striker, two central midfielders, and maybe another centre back (since we're playing 3, although with Reid, Ogbonna, Collins, Fonte, Cresswell and Rice we have 6 already).

I personally don't think we need a right wing back. Byram when back is perfect there, and Antonio can cover Zabaleta until then (he's just as good there as Masuaku)

If Oxford continues to play first XI in Germany and does well I'd bring him back and add to the squad alongside Rice.

All very Championship Manager of course, but they're the kind of squad changes I think we need to make to rebalance.

From then its down to the scouting network to come up with the targets, but Moyes doesn't seem to favour big names or prima donnas son would expect we'd be looking more in the hidden talent end of the market...more like Masuaku than more Hernandez, which for a club with our clout makes much much more sense.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Bernie 9:17 Tue Dec 26
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
No one will leave unless huge offers come in, which they wine because most of our players are playing SHIT at the moment.

Big money won’t be spent because 1. Which big money player will want to come to us at the moment under a manager that won’t likely be here in a few months and 2. David Sullivan

We all just have to hope that Davey Moysey can get it right with what he’s got.

dicksie3 9:07 Tue Dec 26
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
We won't do the business that we desperately need to try and get us out of the shit that we're in.

However, I still think that we'll do enough to stay-up. I don't think that we'll be as lucky next season though.

Alex V 8:42 Tue Dec 26
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
I'd still guess that most likely nobody leaves. It is slightly counter-intuitive after all to let players go when you're in trouble.

KLM 8:34 Tue Dec 26
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
I guess that Hernandez can’tbe Very good if he can’t get into a mediocre championship team.
Clearly about 7 need to go. But I guess we will get rid of 3 and 3 in. We have too many strikers who don’t play even when we lose, so I guess that means Carroll, Sakho and Hernandez and in after, and some other assorted championship reserves on £100k a week. What an almighty mess!

claret on my shirt 10:18 Mon Dec 25
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
Rather than just sell players should we not be thinking about how we want to play then get players that fit that scheme?

At present we have Cresswell playing at CB, Kouyate who is a CB playing in Midfield, Antonio playing as a striker, Arnie playing as a striker (ok he's done well) but that's 4 of 10 outside players in positions they are not accustomed to.

kirok1 10:07 Mon Dec 25
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
Agree with most on here about who to shift.
I just don't trust our board to release any money that doesn't come from sales.
Even then, I suspect he wouldn't get it all.
The other flaw is that others would want the players being listed for sale.
In the end, what will be, will be but we need a heck of a lot better attitude than we showed against Newcastle of any purchases are to generate an improvement.

Nicey 9:10 Mon Dec 25
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
I see most football clubs making similar mistakes each year

The team isn’t scoring goals so buy more strikers.

It never takes into consideration that strikers are the highest paid and most expensive to buy players typically. When they are in form people want them and when they are out of form you can’t sell them or have to sell them cheap. Strikers go in and out of form.

You end up on a striker merry go round or a with a large surplus of strikers all bleeding the club dry.

It seems a pretty dull and unimaginative step to just get more strikers. Javier Hernandez and scored goals at huge clubs on the biggest stage and he isn’t a 35yo has been. We won’t find a player with a better goal scoring touch and we only ever play with one striker. Javier is the man if we can get a team playing football.



We have seen the best of these players and they are part of the problem not the solution (except Collins who we should sell so he can play)

Until we can shed some of what we have we shouldn’t be fishing for more bargain basement crap to further stink up the club.

happygilmore 12:34 Mon Dec 25
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
The only person that should be in charge at any club of signing players is the manager.

Side of Ham 12:18 Mon Dec 25
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
what seems like = like usual and like all of us you know fuck all

stop this utter tosh you try to pass off as some sort of personal skill you have in knowing where the club goes wrong.

You want the crazy gang strategy which is bollocks in this day and age.

DJH 12:02 Mon Dec 25
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
Alex V 11:03 Sun Dec 24
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?

The clubs off the field footballing infrastructure in personnel and facilities have fallen behind so many other clubs this decade it is little surprise we end with a manager like Moyes and players like Zabaleta in 2017, whilst other clubs operate within some kind of progressive structure we carry on almost as if it is still 2007.

Sven Roeder 11:13 Sun Dec 24
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
Bilic on Goals on Sunday talked about signings being decided between him , Sullivan & Tony Henry
Moyes has made it clear that he thinks our midfield is a load of old cockrot ( lacking quality is the phrase he may have used) so I imagine he has asked for reinforcements there. Whether he picks them is another matter.

Alex V 11:03 Sun Dec 24
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
Moyes should not be in charge of signings. Any modern club has employees who specialise in transfers and transfer strategy, rather than letting the coach make expensive short-term punts that blow money and take the club backwards. There continues to be what seems like a complete vacuum at West Ham. Hope I'm wrong, but I see no continuity, no expertise, no strategy. No wonder we keep failing.

paulon 5:36 Sun Dec 24
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
Lertie Button 4:54 Sun Dec 24

I can believe it

Only have to look at Moyes track record on signings to realise what kind of MEDIOCRE shit we can expect in January

Sven Roeder 5:29 Sun Dec 24
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
He can’t get in Bournemouth’s team and is a mediocrity
Isn’t he Scott Parker’s brother in law?
Be better off with Ngolo Kante’s sister

Lertie Button 4:54 Sun Dec 24
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
Reading something from a Bournemouth supporter who said he can't believe we are looking to spend 15 million on Harry Arter, he's been pure shit so far this season.

Sven Roeder 3:10 Sun Dec 24
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
I’ve always said if you are playing 3 at the back then one has to be good enough on the ball to step into midfield with it.
We may have 6 centre backs but 5 of them are meat and potatoes back 4 type Centre halves. The only one who isn’t Meat & Potatoes is RICE.
I agree we need two major upgrades in midfield as most of our problems stem from no control and piss poor ball retention & passing. And the answer isn’t the cheapskate one of Harry Bloody Arter.
If we are more solid in midfield I’d be tempted to use Haksabanovic as someone to rest or sub Lanzini where possible.

Alex V 2:26 Sun Dec 24
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
Jaan Kenbrovin 2:16 Sun Dec 24

It's probably the only window in the last few years where Wilshere isn't available. Sod's law that it's the one where he seems a viable choice.

Mart O 2:19 Sun Dec 24
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
"I've been pretty much spot on about everything in recent years."

Who gold. Really.

Jaan Kenbrovin 2:16 Sun Dec 24
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
Carroll and Sakho out.

I'd go all out for Wilshere. A defensive midfielder and a replacement striker for the above clowns.

Darby_ 2:10 Sun Dec 24
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
Don’t rise to the bait, Alex.

Alex V 2:05 Sun Dec 24
Re: Wheeling and Dealing: Who to try and shift in January?
>>> Considering you’re literally wrong about everything, Alex

I shouldn't rise to such rubbish, but I've been pretty much spot on about everything in recent years.

>>> I’d like to see us concentrating on younger prospects rather than the finished article.

Lol. Younger prospects you say? Idiot.

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